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FORM G-060
To Mr. S. W. Spencer
Address New York ATB
From Traffic and Sales Department 
Address New York Home Office
Subject Air Text Services
Date March 12, 1952

I had the opportunity the other day to discuss with Mr. Sam Freeman, Vice President of the National Air Taxi Services, your recommendations on ways and means of improving that service. He was quite delighted to find an air carrier employee who was sufficiently concerned to develop, on his own time, the kind of presentation which you sent to us. In addition, your promotion work with Westair and the Newport Air Park Operators was of particular interest to him.

The points you raised on advertising were discussed and he offered the following information:

1. His group is presently preparing an air taxi folder which will be distributed to all air carriers who participated in the agreement.

2. The are preparing a limited-budget movie which will portray to benefits of air taxi service and will include "shots" of certified air taxi service.

3. His group has recommended that individual operators take joint action with the carriers on a local basis through posters, etc., where such action can be actually beneficial. This appears to be a point on which Eastern can take action, and we will attempt to set up some sort of program.

In regard to reservations, the point on the Sales Guide seemed well taken, and we are passing it on to Harry Battaile for consideration. If he feels it will conform to the general purpose of the Sales Guide, we will solicit information from the field.

On the subject of equipment, he feels that this is a problem which will take considerable time and improved business to correct. It is not likely that taxi members will be making many changes in their present equipment until conditions appear to be more stable.
Think Through - Then Follow Through