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Mr. S. W. Spencer    -2-     March 12, 1952 [[top margin]]

The rate problem was discussed at great length, chiefly because they have just decided to adopt exactly the type of program which you had recommended. They expect to make it public as soon as they can obtain indications of informal approval from the board. If there appears to be any problem in obtaining approval, it is expected that the operators will coincidently file individual rates which, in practice, will be uniform. 

Operations space at airports is a critical problem on which they are now working with Mr. Arnold, the Vice President of ATA Operations Department in an attempt to find some relief. 

The one point on which you appear to be off the track is the introduction of helicopter service. The NATC group is vitally concerned with the recent order restricting the use of taxi service within a 75-mile radius of a city to which helicopter service has been certificated. This is a vital point which will take some time to resolve.

All in all, it appears that your analysis of air taxi is first-rate, and we would certainly be appreciative if you can continue to devote some of your spare time to this project in such a constructive way. If any definite action is taken in which you might be helpful, I will certainly keep you informed; and I look forward to an early opportunity to discuss the developments with you in more detail.

C.M. Moni
Assistant to
General Traffic Manager
