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making a reservation is to "determine whether or not Air Taxi service is available," the Guide does not make it clear that service is available from points other than those specified. In this connection it is suggested that stations which have air taxi available advise NYHO that popular off lines destination can be included along with the EAL destination in the QSG+ at cities where most requests originate. Thus, Providence might advise NYHO that they often have arriving passengers who originated in DCA or LGA who wish to fly over to Newport. Then, DCA and LGA could include the appropriate information and rates on their PVD divider page. 

The pages in the Air Line Guide could be put to better use if they were put in a slightly different format. The attached form is suggested as it enables one to tell immediately if taxi service is available at the air line destination. Thus the Guide could provide information needed by air lines or travel agents making reservations through the scheduled carrier. The exact rates to popular off-line destinations would then be made available by the air line where needed (e.g., in the EAL Quick Sales Guide). To other points the ten dollar exchange order method could be used for ticketing (see Memo #51-4).

3. Equipment

Safety of operation, adherence to published rates and cleanliness of equipment should be checked frequently by the Conference and by the air lines. Members of the Conference should be encouraged to use stable, comfortable, all-metal planes whenever possible, in order to minimize the reluctance of the air line passenger to step into a light plane.

4. Rates

Every effort should be made to have uniform rates, though local conditions will make complete uniformity impossible. All taxi operators whould [[would]] endeavor to fill up every flight so that a person traveling alone will not have to bear the entire cost of the trip. Similarly, the cost of the entire plane should be divided equally among the passengers, or else a rate per passenger should be published with a surcharge added when the flight is made for a single passenger. This latter might be preferable to the present system of rates.

5. Miscellaneous

Airport manager at terminal points should be encouraged to provide locations for taxi operators which will facilitate handling connections.

[[footnote]] + Quick Sales Guide