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                              December 8, 1959


   During the last few months some very serious steps have been taken in order to reduce costs and increase revenues.  Overall operating results require immediate improvement.  In this connection, it has been necessary to suspend certain services, and, with great regret, to accept the resignation of certain personnel.  Therefore, the following alignment of responsibilities becomes effective with the issuance of this memorandum.

1.  Mr. Hogan, in addition to his duties as Treasurer and Chief Accounting Officer of the Company, will assume broad administrative duties, primarily in the personnel area.  At the Directors' Meeting on December 7th, he was elected Vice President and Treasurer.

2.  Mr. Gallagher, as Vice President, will be responsible for special technical assignments.  Matters to do with new equipment, negotiations with the Port of New York Authority, and heliports will generally fall within the range of his authority.

3.  Mr. Wheatland is responsible for the efficient performance of the Traffic and Sales Department and all its various functions.  At the Directors' Meeting on December 7th, he was elected Assistant Vice President and General Traffic and Sales Manager.

4.  Mr. Carter is responsible for the efficient performance of the Operations Department.  At the Directors' Meeting on December 7th, he was elected Assistant Vice President - Operations.

5.  Mr. De Haan is responsible for maintaining the Company's aircraft and related facilities.  He reports to Mr. Carter.  At the Directors' Meeting on December 7th, he was elected Assistant Vice-President - Maintenance.

Robert L. Cummings, Jr. 