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point of destination. Air transportation has grown because it has offered time savings and convenience to the user. There is less than no reason to consider that these advantages are capable of application only to the airport-to-airport portion of a journey.
It should be noted that the first passenger carried by a certificated helicopter operator on schedule was carried in July 1953. It should be further noted that the first full year of passenger operations by the three scheduled helicopter operators in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York as a group was 1957. Even so, it is only within the last two years that multi-turbined helicopters have been available for transport purposes. In that period and only because of the existence of this modern equipment has it been demonstrated historically that it is now possible for the first time for operations not only to pay their own way but also to attain within the foreseeable future a position of "break-even" without benefit of Federal subsidy. This is no longer a question of hope or estimate. It is a proven fact. The modern turbine powered Boeing and Sikorsky helicopters have demonstrated their ability to earn upwards of $300,000 per aircraft per annum in excess of direct operating costs. This sum constitutes a contribution to overhead and, therefore, sets a pattern for subsidy reduction which has never been possible heretofore. Prior, helicopters have invariably