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been unable to come close to earning their direct operating costs.


In reviewing the history of scheduled helicopter operations and considering the important contributions that these remarkable aircraft can and will make, it appears almost self-evident that what is needed now is many countries, yours included is a coordinated effort on the part of Government, manufacturers and the air transport industry which will provide an Accelerated Equipment Development Program. Only in this manner will the next generation of helicopters come into being in time to complement the expanding use of the current jet transport system and to meet the needs of the traveling and shipping public which will use the coming generation of supersonic aircraft. Without such an effort the costly inefficiencies of our present system will only continue to grow and become an even larger drag on the economy of our [[strikethrough]] national [[/strikethrough]] transportation industry.

Further, [[strikethrough]] I would [[/strikethrough]] we urge that the subsidy limitations that have so severely inhibited the recent development and, in fact, which have been threatening the very existence of the scheduled helicopter operations in the United States for the past several years be suspended and that the payments to the carriers concerned now be placed on an adequate basis in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act pending on objective 

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Today the 25 on ground NY 1 hr
on ground MTL -
SST - 3 hrs to London
1½ or more hrs NY
2 hrs London [[/left margin]]