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(3) "Landing Courts", used as collection points, located on all four sides of a city. Passengers and certain types of cargo will be assembled, processed and loaded into a detachable compartment for delivery to the supersonic, jumbo aircraft at the massive airports. Same in reverse as to destination arrival.


The "Collection Point" and "City-Downtown-to-City-Downtown" concept will have a number of advantages. To name a few:

(a) "Landing Courts" will actually be located on buildings, near or over freight yards, railroad stations, above freeway intersections, industrial sites, wasteland, piers, barges or ships on rivers, lakes or oceans in or adjacent to the city. These small areas in many cases will be less expensive to purchase, improve, and operate than the huge airports of today and tomorrow. Especially if located on or over water.

(b) From an operating expense standpoint, a fewer number of employees will be involved.

(c) Public parking. In many instances will be more conveniently located to the paying passenger due to the small number of employee cars involved.

(d) Social activities - "the hello and goodbye form Uncle Tom and Aunt Minnie" would be at these airports - not at the big airports. Same reduces congestion. Square feet of floor space will be premium at metropolitan airports.