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| Total 3179 [[strikethrough]] 319 [[/strikethrough]] |
| Connecting Airline | TW 761 | Non-TWA 2367 | Non-connecting 51 |
| Airport | TWA, JFK 624 | TWA not JFK 137 | non-TWA 2367 | 51 |
| Airport | at JFK 535 | not at JFK 89 | non-JFK 137 | JFK 1664 | non-JFK 703 | JFK 20 | non-JFK 31 |
| "Influence" Question 11 | yes 304 | no 231 | yes 43 | no 46 | yes 58 | no 79 | yes 451 | no 1213 | yes 175 | no 528 | | |

were divibles 10.9%

NOTE: Not included in this count were:
16 with no response to airline question, and
57 with no response to influence question 

TABLE 1  Inte rairport Helicopter Questionnaire Count
