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General Discussion

The summarized travel times are both appropriate and subject to varying degrees of fluctuation depending upon the degree of congestion encountered on city streets, arterials and within the boundaries of the airports. Similarly, the off-peak travel times, which are based on the midday period, are subject to considerable variation, depending upon the exact time and day when the trip is made. For instance, travel times on Sunday midday may resemble a weekday peak hour. The judgements involved in predicting these travel times suggests that their was be limited to comparing the relative travel times among the various modes and routes under study.

Additional, alternate means are available for reaching the airports. Subway-to-airport routes reported also offer the opportunity to transfer to a local 15¢ (20¢ from Newark) airport bus as well as a taxi. In addition it is possible to reach Kennedy Airport vis the Long Island Rail Road from Pennsylvania Station to Jamaica, Queens, and then by taxi. Similarly, it is possible to reach Newark Airport via non-stop service on the Pennsylvania Railroad to Newark and then by taxi. Direct non-stop bus service also is available between the Port Authority Bus Terminal and Newark Airport. Running time for the latter is comparable to airport buses. The fare is 40¢ and baggage is not checked.

The origin or destinations points selected, such as the East Side Airline Terminal, were used only to develop comparable travel times and costs. Actually, taxi trips would probably originate near offices and residential districts. Also, most airport bus passengers take an auto, taxi, subway or bus to the airlines terminal. Thus, additional travel time, transfer time and cost are required in most cases.