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May 26, 1967

TO: Dunlap and Associates, Inc.
Attn: Robert T. Eckenrode

RE: 9075

Selection of Flight Equipment

Two major U.S. manufacturers of modern small helicopters are known to be working on engineering drawings for the conversion of their new 4 to 5 seat jet helicopters for ambulance work. Both Bell and Fairchild-Hiller expect to have quick conversion arrangements engineered within the next two months. Bell expects to be able to carry one patient plus an attendant in addition to the pilot. Fairchild-Hiller is working on a design for two patients plus attendant and pilot.

Older, piston engine models already have ambulance capability (Fairchild-Hiller drawing expected).

A considerable amount of further study in conjunction with the subcontracting manufacturer as to optimum equipment types, operating costs, load carrying capacity, conversion designs and conversion time requirements is required before final flight equipment could be recommended.

Hospital Heliports

A number of hospital heliports have already been established in the United States. There are at least two in the New York area and there is a series along the coast of the