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to provide ambulance service. Not only do different areas in the U.S. lend themselves to different uses of helicopters but so will the requirement to be instantly available for emergencies limit and direct the complementary activities.

[[underline]]Helicopter Equipment and Instrumentation[[/underline]]

Selection of recommended equipment and instrumentation will be governed by the primary mission, the complementary flight activities, the aircraft chosen and the characteristics of the various demonstration areas.

Careful evaluation of all equipment for ambulance work will be made to insure its compatibility with safe and practicable flight operations. This will involve close coordination with medical experts, manufacturers (both airframe and other) and the FAA.

A similar evaluation for equipment to be used in other flight activity will be required as will equipment specifically required by virtue of the nature of the area. (For example: Should the landing gear be floats, skids or skids plus emergency floats?)

Evaluation will be made of the need for various instrumentation based on the type of flying to be done in each demonstration area. (VFR day only or day and night and special IFR conditions.)