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Start-Up and Training

A start-up and training program would be developed including the writing of flight and maintenance repair and overhaul manuals.

Regulatory Relationships

As a part of the studies and evaluations listed above, the relationships with cognizant governmental bodies as well as their rules and regulations will be carefully reviewed.

Helicopter Operations Costs Studies

A complete study would be made of helicopter costs factors both fixed and variable, direct and indirect under various environmental conditions and at various levels of utilization for the different demonstration areas. 

Such a study would include the following:

Personnel complement and costs:
-Pilots (regular and standby if needed 1/)
-Dispatchers-if required
-Medical Attendants (to be furnished to NYA by Dunlap Associates)
-Sales (if required for complementary operations)
-Community Liaison (if determined to be required by community relations studies)

Supplies and Services:
-Fuel and Oil
-Maintenance materials, spare parts, in-house and outside overhauls
-Insurance - Hull and Liability
-Overhead costs including general and administrative 