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The objective of science is to gain and apply knowledge for the benefit and well-being of all mankind. In short -

Scientific research is the seed from which the spreading tree of trade and industry grows: and the culture of humanity is the sunshine and the water that nurtures this great tree. Scientific research is the complete, creative, constructive force in a growing economy in which individual enterprise thrives.

Clear answer to an urgent need

Charles F. Kettering, a practical man of vision, symbolized the fusion of science and industry which, in his lifetime, bridged the gap from the age of steam to the age of the automobile, the airplane, nuclear energy and space exploration.

Kettering saw the accumulated scientific knowledge of the centuries, from Archimedes to Einstein, suddenly translated into mass production by the inventors and innovators - the Edisons, Marconis, Wrights and Fords - of his time. New wealth was, thus, generated by industry. This, in turn, stimulated new research and new gains in technology and business organization.

The process of accelerated discovery, beginning early in the 19th Century, has constantly gained momentum until today: The sum total of man's scientific knowledge is doubled every ten years. 

Industry's expenditures for research and development have risen from $3.6 billion in