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World Sciences Center will come from private sources, individuals and foundations, and industrial and commercial organizations who want to help maintain this nation's scientific leadership and recognize the ever-increasing role science will play in their future and that of all mankind. Because of the increasing awareness and appreciation of the benefits of scientific research, it is anticipated that individuals and commercial and industrial organizations will welcome the opportunity to invest time and money in human betterment through support of the World Science Center. The Academy has received recognition for its work in behalf of science from the New York State Legislature. Legislation has been enacted which gives the Academy the same status as a private university for the development of its scientific program and facilities. 

The membership of The New York Academy of Sciences is supporting the World Science Center through contributions as well as actively conducting a nationwide campaign to secure financial support for the program.

"... I am delighted to know that The New York Academy of Sciences has formulated its plans to build the World Science Center in New York City - a noble project.

"In this space age, scientific information must be available to the interested public seeking such knowledge; the World Science Center will fill this need.

"Be assured of my continued interest in your program. I shall be glad to assist you in any way that I can."