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Science is a force, a living force. As with any living thing, it must progress or falter and decline. In order to promote the positive and progressive forces inherent in science, therefore, The New York Academy of Sciences conceived the idea to build SCIENCE CENTER NEW YORK. It is a logical, soundly-conceived, long-considered project, with definite benefits for science and, also, consequently, for all mankind.

Many scientific societies, institutions, foundations, corporations and other organizations still lack adequate quarters in which to meet and function effectively. SCIENCE CENTER NEW YORK will provide those necessary meeting rooms, conference rooms, library facilities and other basic requirements of communication. These facilities will permit specialists to report the results of their discoveries to others in their own and related fields. They will be able to inform the public as to the nature of science, to bring the benefits of science home personally to people, to encourage public support and to educate the public for a broader understanding of science and its contributions to daily life. Even now in our democracy, we are delinquent in this second duty to public welfare and security.

Long ago, the focus of scientific activity shifted from Europe to the United States. The largest, most concentrated area of scientific activity in the world lies within a 200-mile radius of New York City - today's capital of science - in universities, industries, hospitals, laboratories, scientific societies. These are compelling reasons for an unique SCIENCE CENTER.

SCIENCE CENTER NEW YORK has been architecturally conceived. Designs have been drawn and this Center can be standing in the heart of New York within three years after selection of a site, of which a number have been offered to date. Modern and simple in design, SCIENCE CENTER NEW YORK will be a two-unit building - an auditorium building with an adjoining 21-story office building, which will also serve as the headquarters of The New York Academy of Sciences, as well as for many other scientific organizations. The need for SCIENCE CENTER NEW YORK has been indicated by a recent survey of a number of important scientific organizations keenly desirous of locating in just such a Center.

The auditorium building is specially designed to meet the particular, specific needs of science for years to come, whether such needs are those of a neophyte society with a score of members or those of a large, national scientific or technical organization. Additionally, the building will provide the public with the opportunity to hear lectures, to see motion pictures, illustrations and demonstrations on the meanings and benefits of science. Through television - for the auditorium will be equipped with its own TV recording and broadcasting equipment - science will