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our partners in discovery...

The importance and success of Academy activities are indicated by the numbers and diverse affiliations of those who avail themselves of its services. In 1964, participants at conferences and meetings represented 115 business organizations, 225 universities and colleges, 114 hospitals and clinics, and 141 agencies, foundations and institutions including:

Business Organizations- U.S. Rubber Co., Radio Corp. of America, The Upjohn Co., Stauffer Chemical Co., Aero Jet-General Corp., Sun Oil Co., Procter and Gamble Co., Eastman Kodak Co., Bell Telephone Labs. Inc., Texas Instruments Co., Chas Pfizer and Co., General Electric Co., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. Union Carbide Plastics Co., Johns-Manville Corp., Avco Corp., Esso Research Labs., Abbot Laboratories, Hughes Aircraft Co., Oliver Machinery Corp.

Education- Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Princeton University, Georgetown University, University of Tennessee, University of Texas, Iowa State University, University of Chicago, University of Kentucky, University of Colorado, California Institute of Technology, University of California, University of Utah.

Hospitals and Clinics- Massachusetts General Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, Jewish Hospital Of Cincinnati, St. Jude Hospital of Memphis, Zoller Dental Clinic of Chicago, University of Kansas Medical Center, Lovelace Clinic of Albuquerque, San Francisco Medical Center, Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Foundation and Institutes- Theodor Herzl Foundation, American Museum of Natural History, Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Carnegie Institute, Rockefeller Institute, Zoological Foundation of Philadelphia, Stanford Research Institute, The Wistar Institute, Scripps Institute, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Sulfur Research Institute, American Cancer Society, Lamont Geological Observatory, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.

Government- National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, National Institutes of Health, Goddard Space Flight Center, New Jersey State Dept. of Health, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, National Library of Medicine, Office of Naval Research, National Bureau of Standards, Brookhaven National Laboratory. 

Overseas- The Cape Asbestos Co. Ltd., South Africa; University of Oxford, England; Max Planck Institut, Mulheim, Germany; Kwansan Observatory, Kyoto, Japan; Burgerspital, Basel, Switzerland; Royal Cancer Hospital, London; Institute Pasteur, Paris; Ministry of Health, Moscow; University of Sofia; Tohoku University, Japan; CIBA Ltd., Switzerland; Pulkovo Observatory, Leningrad; Weizmann Institute, Israel.