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New York Airways is dedicated to the proof of the validity of the certificate given to them by the Civil Aeronautics Board in testing out the economic value of the helicopter in the transportation of mail, property and passengers.

Twelve thousand hours of flight time have already been accumulated and New York Airways has pilots with more helicopter flight time than any other operator. We have two S-55's with over three thousand hours in the air. We have carried about seventy-five hundred passengers and are accumulating experience in freight and express, as well as the transport of mail with which we started. In this development we have had the close cooperation of all agencies of the government, particularly the military with whom we exchange operating data.

New York Airways and in fact all operators of helicopters, military and commercial, are in agreement as to the need for accelerating the development of vertical flying aircraft to the maximum extent possible. The present, unsatisfactory ratio of operating costs to earning capacity must be reversed in the shortest practicable time. Plans are now in advanced discussion stages directed at obtaining the close collaboration of the commercial operators, the military operators and the manufacturers in obtaining this important objective. The program being worked out will involve high utilization in all weather conditions of advanced type helicopters on specially approved routes, restricted until full C.A.A. certification to the carriage of cargo and mail. In this way, "bugs" will be uncovered and worked out in much the same manner as they have been so frequently in the fixed-wing business. This indeed is very much the same sort of work that has been accomplished by Helicopter Air Service in Chicago on the Bell 47 Model, by