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bring in some wood so I threw some 
down in the cellar & then went up stairs 
to change my dress. As I looked out my cham
ber windows, I saw a car stop out in front 
of our house, a man with something in his hands. 
thinking he might be a fiddler & hurried 
down stairs. As I opened the door there stood 
a familiar person who said do you "know me". 
"Why, yes said I". It's Mr Avery Gates yes," so glad 
you knew me this time", said he, & handed me 
the basket full of oranges, apples, grapes, one 
can of bartlet pears, one of beans, and one of vegetable soup. 
He came with such an offering last year at this 
time. He made me a nice call then said he must 
hurry as he had more baskets to distribute.
       Well Doris has started home going to catch the 4 O'c
lock coach after eating two pieces of mince pie & a glass 
of milk.  She is looking very happy. Guess is anxious to be 
on time to meet her "boy friend."  I told her to be good as she 
left.  Guess she will come again before Xmas.  now its time 
to make my fire in the little stove.  Hope you had a good
.....Love, Ma 

Transcription Notes:
last line not viewable on original.