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not like the iron rake to mow it with.I had him take off the outside doors & put on the screen doors.he is very handy to do every little thing if you can get him but not dependable.
I am going to be alone this afternoon so I can read or fix up my closets where Doris has got her clothes hung up in a hurry.I am glad the pajamas are done & put away in a separate bundles for winter wear.they are almost needed now up here as we have had but a few hot summer days.its been a cold spring so far but no weather to put out my house rose bushes are just beginning to blossom.I picked my first bouquet yesterday. even the rambler rose bush is just started to blossom.the sererns [[?]] sisters is full of buds & will soon be out.I as out in the backyard yesterday & saw my mountain laurel in great clusters so picked a big bouquet for the house well & have told you all this time.
love Ma