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meadows. I have just got your Sunday letter, hope you got mine as promptly. I dont see how the others were so late.

Tuesday was such an ideal day so sunny & warm I sat out on the porch a long time reading. Now today we need that, to keep ourselves warm. no wonder people home sickness. Winnis family are down with girls. her husband is a in a very bad condition. they say lialle to more fatal any time, on account of diabetis. & Aunt Edith is very bad. she has been running down for some time. its a pity young Edith dont hire by her self. she is a burden the house is too crowded. Winnie seems to be the main stay, she is very good to take people to hide when she is going down street.

I wish you could see my jonquils they are all around the house in full bloom. I am afraid some one may steal them. so for I have been  lucky not to have any taken although they are young ones enough around. those back of the house, I should enjoy more if I could walk out there to see them, without have George's dogs back so when they see any one out near them. from dogs its too bad to have them confined & were given time a chance to run. He & Doris are away working daytimes. they must be earning good money. they are good neighbor mind their own business & couldn't be better. love Ma