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lane. not many now in the neighborhood but Catholics the Ballantine house was bought by foreigners. thank God I shant [[shan't]] live much longer to see the change. 

Under our front windows the ground is yellow with jonquills [[jonquils]] & daffodils, crocus dark purple and white snow drops have been & gone now the rose bushes are all leaved out ready to bud. blue violets are also covering the flower beds to day its a little cooler thermometer down in the forties, think its warming up. 

Doris is expected any time now. Sunday morning we lay abed as usual. I have first eaten my breakfast now will finish this letter. she may be tired from the dance so wont get here till later in the day.
We look for Bills coming Sunday nights. he comes late I dont go home very early & if theres anything we want done he always is willing to do it, theres no one like Bill. 

I can see the grass has grown green since our last rain. theres lots of leaves yet around our shrubs. I took a cane & loosened them up during that terrible windy day, so they would blow away down the street I got rid of a lot. theres been lots of fires caused by the burning of the leaves. last year I raked them up into a long now I called Pete McGarvey over to burn them that was a fine idea. he was willing to so got rid of them in that way. love Ma.