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seems good to have bare ground. grass is beginning to grow green since the rain. next will be the lawn mower & cutting it. its hard to get any one here to mow the grass. boys are not dependable these days.

I am writing my letter early this morning before any one is up in the morning its warm in the front chamber. heat went on quite early its cold outside around the 20ies.

We were lucky to get our washing done this bad weather. I dried mine partly the first of the week. finished drying it in the house.

Mr Bradner the Episcopal minister is going to resign & moving out west. no body is sorry, a good man but no minister, dont preach good sermons. he mistook his vocation. his wife had a bad cancer. the change may do them all good. he dont need to preach for a living, for he has plenty of money, a rich man & this was his first church.

I hope you dont have our clowdy cold weather with windy 60 miles an hour. I sleep through it nights, can turn on my good ear & don't hear it. theres some advantage in being deaf. but more disadvantages. well this is all I think of now, so will close this letter as its time for the Postman. Love Ma