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Stoughton Jan 11th, 1947

Dear Doris. we are in the midst of 0° weather with wind blowing a gale all day & night but very sunny. she has decided not to venture out to church for its very slippery glare ice down street & in our paths. plenty of snow everywhere & in the midst of it Gladys came yesterday & stayed till most dark. She had been up to the Holbrook neighborhood to call on some family. who had been good to her mother & walked back to our house. the streets were very narrow from so much snow, had just room to get by. two cars she met on the way. we think she took a queer time, when the going is so bad. we don't expect Doris to come out such weather. it must be cold in Cambridge around 20° not so cold as it is here, as its rather more protected. they say the temerature wont go over 20° all day. hope you are more comfortable. love Ma