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Stoughton January 26th 1947

Dear Doris, another spell of warm weather after our zero temperature also bare ground which seems nice after our icy going. I guess you have had a few cold days but how its warmer down there which on account of your cold house, you can also appreciate.

Bill came again with his glue that fixed our furniture, so now we are all ridght and no more wiggly chairs. he is coming again Sunday night, if pleasant. the glue he brought was a very expensive kind & he has left the chairs all tied up until he comes again, to see that they are all right. he always wants to do a good job. 

I suppose Doris will be out to day as you say it will seem good to her to be free from study for a while. we have got some fish & a big roast of pork for her to eat as you say she is a hearty eater & enjoys all she has set before her like Alice Wentworth