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My cold is all gone so don't worry about your mother getting it. 

Stoughton October 23rd, 1948

U.S Army

Dear Doris  I am writing my Sunday letter today as I expect to be away tomorrow if pleasant. Althoug [[although]] the radio says showers today & pleasant tomorrow. I guess its clouding up since early morning & may rain any minute yesterday was a good sunny day. 

The Ballantines we heard, moved yesterday, we may not see them, although [[although]] they spoke of calling on us before morning. I guess Miss Sercack is glad. they are out now she & Tom can live there together & she will loan him her money, they get along all right. but the sisters family & she never could do they should never have gone there to live. they made over the house so if she ever wanted to sell it, would bring more money. a new sink in the kitchen & other things which they can't take away- the Pupelloes have no use for them since Addie sold that old second hand chamber set to him, which his wife had no use for & charged $200. so you see they are all for money. I always liked Gertrude. Never the mother or Addie.

I hope by now your wrist doesn't pain you & Sidney is feeling better. Doris is happy with the fellows I see & hope she marries the right 

Transcription Notes:
Writer spelt [[although] as althoug.