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         Stoughton June 30" 1948
Dear Doris
      Another hot day but more air up in the 90o a thunder shower went around us last night it must have taken some of the dampness from the air as there was no fog early this morning so that the humidity is much better the sun though is just as hot She is in Westwood today playing with her crowd cards seem to be the hobby Laura Phoebie & Careta they are going to her friends house who she used to know she has lots of money so they will be well entertained & it wont cost them anything
          I have just eaten my dinner I made my team the little grill have not made up any fire for two days so the house is cool no hot air gets in down stairs with outside windows on & doors shut up up in the front chamber where I am writing my letter its quite warm as all my windows are open & warm air comes in but as soon as the sun goes down they will begin to cool off  my peonies are in bloom also the rose bushes all but the rambler rose that is full of buds I wish my severn sisters rose bush was tied up I took that bush up from Mrs Merrils place after we owned it she used to be good to me when I first came into the neighborhood to live she died