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Stoughton June 17th 1948

Dear Doris

We are having very seasonable weather this week so far.  a thunder shower was promised us last evening but thank goodness it didn't mature it was 60° early this morning & has grown warmer all day it will be about 80° by now.

She has gone down to the hair dressers rode down with Winnie there is a good picture on but it may be to late for her to see it, after she gets through at the beauty parlor. & does my few errands afterwards.  tomorrow is chicetaubut meeting. she missed two good stories over the radio last night, listening to Florence Hickey on the telephone, who called her up to tell her troubles, she is in straitened circumstances & thinks she may have to sell her place, to make both ends meet.  Mrs. Barry told her if she decided to sell the house, that now was the time, when places were in great demand. that later on things were going to be different, times would be harder & money scarcer. another party Prepello told us was expected out to look at the house she brought us over a nice piece of her mince pie they are very generous poor things.  I didnt taste of it for I was afraid it was too rich but she ate it & said it was very good.  we had a very good clam chowder made of minced clams canned