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Stoughton June 18th 1948

Dear Doris,

        We are having a rainy Sunday with very cool weather 50°. I have just fixed kindlins in the little stove to light after dinner. I carry my hot stone to bed every evening to warm up the bed. Mrs. Barry is not going to church, its so rainy. Bill came to see us after I had gone to bed. I went early but couldnt sleep till towards morning. I think it rained hard all night everything is green. I planted those seeds you sent in the letter right away around the white rose bush & not deep as you said, hope they come up. This rain coming will be good for them. the leaves on all the trees never were so large & plenty. I never remember having such cool weather in June. Hope tomorrow it clears & is sunny.

I had my lawn mowed yesterday by the same boy who mowed it before over two weeks ago [[balder?]], he is a very nice boy & said he would mow it again. he threw his sweater off on the front porch. when he got to sweating he was a long time mowing so when he went to put his sweater on to go home it wasn't there he rung the bell to ask us if we took it into the house & we said no. so we all hunted inside & out for it. while we were hard at it