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Mrs Silver accross the road came out to the street with something in her hands swinging. Low & behold it was the lost sweater. Mrs Barry went over there with the boy to get it & she said the little Goward dog took it & lugged it home. he does such thing. he stole her green sweater dragged it off the line. so she had to look out for him, I guess its not safe to lay anything down. he has been tought to fetch & carry I guess.
The fire has just been built in the stove & hope it heats up the house. it is the same temperature out side as it was this morning. since eating my dinner I feel a little warmer. we had roast pork, new potatoes canned peas & tomato & cucumber salad with butter scotch pudding. that meat Sidney got before he left has lasted us up till today. There is a littl robin hopping aroun the yard he has a nest out back. I found a little blue shell on the ashes out near the step so guess he has hatched the young birds.
We were glad to hear Doris had found a job in paper advertisement, we are glad for her it will be a great help I think. Cynthia & Roberta both went crazy. Molly John Capen was also luny they were Sues reletives. (Ministers daughters,)I guess they felt a little better than common people. I took care of John Capen the last night he lived. he was all right it was the mothers family. the Capens were all right. Ma