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Stoughton April 28th 1948

Dear Doris.

Another cool day 40° this morning but pleasant. She is going to see her Doctor about her teeth to day the lower ones & wont be home very early I fear. teeth are a nuisance always. my sewing may occupy my time something to do and not feel lonesome.
I am sorry the old cat is failing why don't you give her something to put her out of existance so stop her suffering the same as I did Bobbie, he never knew what it was and he never came out of his fit as I sat beside him holding his foot when it stopped twitching he was dead.
The Gowards have a little Fox Terrier dog he chases cars someone told them to have water handy to throw at him when he chased them it would break him of it quicker than anything. I think that little white dog they owned died as we never see him now. He was run over by an auto (you remember) my having pets days are over thanks be.
The Pupellos children stay on their own side of their [[grouns?]] more than they did. they think the land where the trees are belongs to them though. He hasn't sold the place yet & dont think he will right away. they are both nice people she said that she never wanted to locate here as she hates the house