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[[top margin]] It is sunny & stopped snowing Snowstorm that was predicted went
out to sea. we got only a few flurries [[/top margin]]

Stoughton February 1st, 1948

Dear Doris

This is another zero day but sunny. I have just been down cellar sifting the ashes. it is dark as a pocket down there, till we turn on the lights & then its impossible to see into the corner, where there is some wood stored away for a rainy day, but managed to bring up a a little to start the fire in the little stove. I am saving the wood in the back room & in hopes the snow will soon melt so I can get out to the little building to get the baskets I carried out there in the early part of the season. as then we had no idea of such terrible snow banks, blocking us away from getting there to bring it into the house. I worry about you in that little cold house its very lucky you can go up to the Museum where you can get warm. I guess Doris is having a taste of zero weather in Cambridge also some of our snow storms.

We manage to keep warm so far if our days do begin so frigid. Friday was our coldest morning, it went down to 15 belo 0 I manage nights to keep warm by carrying my warm stone to bed. then after my feather bed gets warm, it stays so all night. we have had a few flakes of snow fall from a cloude, since starting this letter, the radio said we would have a few today its snowing now. hope it dont last, as there is quite