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Bu. R F and A L Magnolia Duplin Co. N.C. Nov. 24/66

Brig Gen. Allan Rutherford
Supt Bu. R F & A L  So Dist NC
Wilmington N.C.

In reply to your communication of 20th inst with reference to case of Starling Buffallo Frd man I have the honor to submit the following in reply

In the first place all the parties to that charge live at such a distance from me that it was a matter of much trouble to me to get at any facts in the case but I have been able to glean the following. 

Starling was formerly a slave of Wm Brice [[?]] when the US Troops passed through the Co. in 1865 Brice had a mule concealed in the swamp near his house which Starling took and conveyed to the US Troops. Very recently Brice had a warrant served upon Starling by John McMillen (Dept Shff of the Co) for stealing the mule and he was bound over for his appearance at Court

Brice agreed to become his bondsman in the onus of two hundred dollars providing he could be secured in case Starling failed to appear. Starling voluntarily made over to Brice twenty bbls. of corn and an ox and agreed to work two months if Brice would be his security which Brice agreed to do and became security upon those considerations. The property is now held by Brice to be by him produced at the next term of Court. If Starling fails to appear Brice must pay the bond. 

From the best information I can gather there was no coercion