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Bureau R F and A.L.
Magnolia Duplin Co. N.C. June 6th 1866

Col. A Rutherford
Supt B R F & A L So Dist. 
Wilmington N.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of 4th inst and the matter represented demands a careful review of the whole

The first charge is upon the representation of one
Wiley Simmons and other freedmen complaining that bands of Ex Rebels roam about the County robbing and ill treating freedmen and that they can get no redress from the Civil Authorities.
The first part of the above complaint is certainly true and it has been a great effort of mine ever since
I have been on duty here to ferret out the parties and have them brought to justice. To accomplish this I have conferred freely with the Police Captains of both Counties and three have already been convicted and the
Police are now on the track of two more who have been found out by myself. This band of robbers is very extensive and complete in which both whites and blacks are concerned. In one instance a former Magistrate of the County was convicted They steal from whites and blacks indiscriminately

I can testify that Capt. J.N. Stallings (Chief Police
of Duplin Co) has always acted with kindness to the freedpeople and I am under obligations to him for assistance in the investigations I have made This course in my opinion has been just and consistent toward all parties.

Wiley Simmons has never made any complaint