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[[margin]] Since writing the foregoing have recd much information in reference to these parties which I will forward at once [[/margin]]

by observation to state that the citizens of Duplin Co would protect from outrage any freed person within its borders. I have earnestly studied the minds of the people here with a view to the better performance of my duty and while there are certainly some very bad people here there are also very good people

Colonel, I write this under great difficulty as I am quite ill and in fact have not been able for business for the month past. I do not feel able to copy it and trust that it will be satisfactory.

I have tried to do justice to all impartially I have tried to do my whole duty faithfully and if I have not succeeded I regret it

I have the honor to be Colonel 
Very Respectfully 
Your obedient Servant 
H H Foster
Asst. Supt. R F & A L.

N.B. In the case of Mike Berry freedman of Bladen Co. I have the honor to state that I have no jurisdiction in that Co. - that he never came before me - and that I never examined the witnesses of John A. Parker or any other man without hearing the opposite side

I never decide any case however trivial without hearing both sides

H H Foster 
A S R F & A L

Transcription Notes:
body of letter transcribed on pg 13