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Bu. R-F. & A.L.
Magnolia Duplin Co. N.C. Feb. 28-1867

Brig. Gen. Allan Rutherford
Supt. Bu. RF & A.L. So. Dist.

Please send me a couple of U.S. soldiers to take a boy of Buck Houstons (freed) from the possession of Harper Williams of this county. When Buck applied to me I applied to the chm of Co. Court thinking it was within his province to do so but at seeing by the accompanying letter that he can take no action in the matter, Williams lives about ten miles from here and is for a very old man about as selfish obstinate & ugly as the law allows
Buck will remain here to show them the way but he does not dare to go alone as Williams threatens to shoot him
I have the honor to be General
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
H.H. Foster
Bvt Maj U.S.V.
Asst. Supt. Bu. R.F. & A.L.

[[left margin]] Please send them today if possible [[/left margin]]