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Bu. R.F and A.L.
Magnolia Duplin Co. Feb. 1st 1867
Brig. Gen. Allan Rutherford
Supt. Bu. R.F & A.L. So. Dist.
I have the honor to state in compliance with instructions contained in your endorsement of 21st ult. to the Agreement for Labor between Alfred Hollingsworth and Jerry Taylor (Freed) that all the facts in the case an embodied in by letter of 18th ult, upon which that endorsement was made.
The law in reference to the crime of Bastardy in this state is very peculiar and subjects the people to may impositions. While it allows the accused party a hearing that hearing is of no practical benefit whatever to him unless he can prove the impossibility of the act by his absolute absence
It matters not how deprived the women may be or how irreproachable may be the character of the man he is her victim. I subjoin Sec. 1st Chap. 12 of the Rev. code of N.C. which relates to Bastard Children.
Sec. 1st "Any justice of the peace, upon his own knowledge, or any information made to him, that any single woman within his county is big with child, or delivered of a child or children, may cause her to be brought before him, (or any other justice of the County) to be examined upon oath suspecting the father; and if she shall refuse to declare the father, she shall pay a fine of five dollars, and give a bond payable to the State of North Carolina, with sufficient security, to keep such child or children upon being chargable to the county, otherwise she shall be committed to