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prison until she shall declare the same, or pay the fines aforesaid or give such fines; but if such woman shall, upon oath, accuse any man of being the father of such child or children, he shall enter into recognizance, with sufficient security, before the said justice for his appearance at the next term of the county court to stand to, 
abide by, and perform whatever order this court may make for the maintenance of said bastard child or children, and for the indemnification of the county against any charges for such maintenance, otherwise he shall be committed until he enters into such recognizance."
By this law the defendant has but a shadow of a chance to get rid of the responsibility and it tells with woful
effect upon the present generation of freedmen for the reason that while as slaves every encouragement was given for the propagation of the race as a vast source of revenue to the owner their emancipation has left them with the whole of the bad and degrading influences such encouragement must necessarily produce and but few friends to assist them in their trouble and those friends generally of a selfish character.  It is true the same law applies to whites as well as blacks, but it is generally easy for whites to give the required bond and security while the unfortunate negro has no alternative but the county jail and there he must stay till that bond is given
After incarceration in jail a few weeks he is glad to agree to almost any proposition that may be made to him and many whites take advantage of just such circumstance to obtain help at a merely minimal price and I believe these are instances whose freedman have made contracts for those years for no pay whatever and