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no compensation save the bond and security the white man gives for the maintenance of the child. It is true the white or freed people are not sold by the courts but in the execution of the law the freed people are left in such a dillemma that they might as well be. There may be a distinction but I can not see the difference between one and the other

This is a matter upon which I respectfully ask full and complete instructions as I deem it a matter of serious importance to the freed people. At the last time of the county court, which I attended, these many cases of bastardy and I am very well convinced that some of them had better been sold to good masters than to make the contracts they did to avoid the jail. The case of Jerry Taylor was the only one in which I was a party or was consulted and I should not have made that only that I desire your opinion in the matter.

I have the honor to be General
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
H H Foster
Bvt. Maj. U.S.V.
Asst. Supt. Bu. R.F & A.L.