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Magnolia NC Duplin County
March 2" 1867

Major Gen'l Dan. E Sickles
Hd Qrs Columbia SC

Hon'r General 

Knowing that the 39th Congress of the U.S. has giving you Authority and Power to see to rights and to the interest of the forsaken "Union people" in Rebell States i take liberty to inform you of the situation i have been, since ever i have resided in this blamed County I am a true and loyal Citicen of the U.S. belonging former to the State of Pensylvania also my wife was a born and Native Penn'lva we moved two years ago to this state to reconstruct our health and bought a nice property in above mentioned Town after living here a few month and opening a [[strikethrough]] 1st [[/end strikethrough]] Grocer busness these Rebells stoned our Dwelling broke every window and put me to considerable Expences on account we were good Union people " i can certainly say and prove the only Family in the whole county.  After this ocured i made information to the Mayor of the town but they made no efforts to do or find the guilty party out and punish such this was in the month of Nov 1865 in Dec about the 15' in a dark night 6 armed Men in Rebell Suits with all Kinds of arms forced me to deliver a new colts revolver when entering my store room i first protested again but saw me overpowered i surrendered my weapon in the leaders hand it was about 9 o'clock in the Evening at 2 two o clock I took the Wilmington train and reported the matter to the Nice Con'l Beadle that time at Hd Qrs he was kind enough to give them Rebells orders to return me my property but I did not get my own i hath to be satisfied with [[strikethrough]] an [[/end strikethrough]] old one worth about one half what my cost and $10 for Expences of Reb Lawyer, after that two suspicious looking fellows came one night and demanded my two horses saying that if I would not let them have the horses freely they would