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press them as they needed such to hunt after Negroes but i
protested with all my power and told them i would shoot the
first man come into the yard and they left my premises
Christmas Day come alond and all Negro houses was plundered
for arms and taken away as well as many other articles belong
ing to the poor freed. One harmless boy got shot down in a
kitchen like a dog. his name is Hall and the Rebell jury
give the murderer free, after which they kept a dancing party
in that Roscalls house. The new year started and hopes of better times for the poor freedmen als of me but on place of peace
New Misschief come over me, about Middle in the month of February i come one morning in my store and saw to my sorrow that the infernal Rebells hath entered my store house
by breaking in through the Windows and stole nearly all my Tobacco Schoes Hats and a great eal of my Variety stock i made also information to the authorities in this town but as before they trie to put it on the poor Negros and they never offered me any assistance in finding out the thiefs. I bought then a large black Bull dog and many a night i stood guard under arms to save [[strikethrough]] my property and [[/strikethrough]]
and protect my Property, as about the same time one night one desperate fellow wanted to come in our parlor and asking me for a fight he presented a 4 loader pistol to My breast his name is Alexon two weeks after that occured i was bid from work at midnight some aspose the
same party broke into the kitchen house robbing all the provisions and cooking utensils and disapeared in the wood no effort from side of the authority of the place After this time a freedmans bureau office (Major HH Foster)