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he called himself was placed here i was glad to meet with a US officer and Union men "offering him my house he come and made his office there but i should soon find out that he was not the men with the spirit of a true American with the spirit of 76, he liked the Rebells far better as it would become him as a officer of the U.S. and in a short time he was the intimate friend of the bigest and misserablest Rebells in the county he went to Pickniks and other pleasure trips and dozend of freedmens was standing for days before his office waiting for his return and when back there was nothing done when i seen that he was no friend to us i told him to moove his offices what he done and went to put up the office in a low groc[[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] and gambling shop until Government detectives come here and looked for some Counterfeiter in the very shop he hath his office (a nice place for a government office) I stood in communication with the Treasury dept. and i was the in-former that they carried on the counterfeiting Business in a large scale Foster then mooved. but he still kept on going with the Propriator who was engaged to pass counterfeit money in large amounts to the poor helpless people (freedmen) arm in arm as two good friends through town. So one day i went to the Telegraph Office to dispatch to Gen'l Wood Treasury dept, one of the firm of the groc shop pulled my papers out of my hands and drawn a large 6 Revolver to shoot me but as i was a soldier i not feard his attack i sized the Pistol out off his hand knocked him Twice on the ground and wanted to return to my house when Fosters friend come up to me from the rear got me by the neck & tried to smother me and kicked me in the face foster thinks he has made efforts to safe my & my wifes life