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as the hon'r General may see out the writing of his endorsed here, but he would rather seen me killed as he is under the impression I would report him to the gall Genl Howard as he knows very well he has not done right and he told the US Dept Marshall Kehoe of Mrs bern who was arresting some of the counterfeiters and fosters peticular friend also he would do me harm if he got a chance. the same he said to a US Detective Mr Newman, Fosters friend is now under Bale of $1000 to apear in June before the US Court at Raleigh where I shall be there also as Witness for the U.S. the one who wanted to kill me run away and live I think now in the Western PA I was since that compilled to live my family and home, and I was in Washington d.c. the people here would like if my premises get burnt and I would loose everything i already lost considerable and I relay thank Providence that we have not lost our life, i am obliged to sacrifice my property now and sell at a low price if i only could get a purchaser, so we can go among civilied people and where justice is done to the free Hon'r Gen'l  i know you gallant and brave soldier and good Lawyer i beg for you to give me protection and be kind enough to give also your opinion what you is best for me to do. I want to get away from here as soon as ever i can and live in Washington again where i worked once for H O Hood 3 years on 338 Penn Avenue -i have many warm friends there - Do you not think Gen'l these people in debt to me for damages they done me during the time i have suffered amongst them, and after getting out a licens from the Government and that they fired me for $28 and $10 for a Lawyer for they do not estimate the government Licens in a time where the state is under Military Authority - Hope to hear from you soon i have the honor to sign your respectfull and obedient servant
(Signed) C Nevew 

Transcription Notes:
I transcribed the exact wording/grammar for authenticity. I understand words are misspelled. You can change them to accurate spellings.