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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Ag't for Sub. Div. of Cabarrus and Stanly Counties,
Concord, N.C., ___, 1868

by seconding security for return or payment of
the same in the fall. The lands of these people are mostly swamp-lands and in a propitious
season will yeald bountifully. The crops
for which the lands are best are corn
and peanuts. 
Feeling that these people
are suffering by reason of failure in crops
and not through illness nor improvidence,
I have the honor to lay their condition
before you and ask assistance through the
Bureau, by loan, the land holders as secu-
rity or by gift directly to the freedpeople.
In the latter case many difficulties
will be obiviated, that might occur in
the former. Please inform me early [[strikethrough]] wheather [[/strikethrough]] whether the assistance sought, can be had through the
Bureau or not. 

Most Respectfully [[strikethrough]] submitted [[/strikethrough]]:
Your Ob'dt Sr'vt
J.F. Curren
Agt of Bureau.

Transcription Notes:
The project pages don't appear to be in order; if the preceding page was identified it could add context clues to make sense of the uncertain wording in the first sentence. I know it appears as a typo, but I believe here that 'freedpeople' was written as a single word, much like 'freedman' or 'freedwoman' were.