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Bureau of Refugees, freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Ag't for Sub. Div. of Cabarrus and Stanly Counties
Concord, N.C., April 8th, 1868.

Col Cheer

Owing to the many reports received at this office relative to the destitution of the Freed people of Duplin Co. I have visited the localities in which the greatest destitution was said to prevail the vicinities of Hallsvill and Chinquapin, and am compelled to say that families of Freedpeople living in the south east portion of this county are actually suffering from hunger and unless aided by way of a loan or charity outside this section of county. those who shall be made to get away must perish, especially families of children.

The whites are nearly as destitute as the blacks. and are made to assist the Freedpeople.  Reports have been made at this office that the whites are responsible for the destitution of the blacks in a great measure on account of political vindictiveness, but this is not the case to any great extent, if