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Cover Fold Labelling:
B.R., F. & A.L.,
Office of Agent
Concord, N.C.,.....1868.

so at all.  Persons may have insinuated that the whites would supply the pressing want of the Freedpeople were it not for their political differences, but the facts are, the supplies necessary to prevent suffering are not in the county, and the land holders have not the means by which to purchase.  The crops in this county have been extremely short in [[strike out]]this county[[/strike out]] the past two years and the swamp lands of this locality [[strike out] failed [[?]] [[/strikeout]] was submerged in water and the crops (corn) were a total loss.  The Freedpeople are croppers and Leasers, and in most cases have gardens planted and some corn in, but can plant no more and the crops in must fail for lack of tilling unless aid is secured.  The whites are [?] to secure a loan of corn for the freedpeople