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James Frederick freedman says that he owned a Bay horse with one white hind foot and one white fore foot and a white spot in his [strikethrough] forehead [[/strikethrough]] face which extended down towards the nose. The horse was stolen from me in the night of Ap. 21, 1866. On the same night a sorrel mare mule with a white spot in his face was stolen from Moses Fredericks freedman a near neighbor of mine. We discussed the loss at sunrise on Sunday morning the 22nd of same month. We saw tracks of men at the Stables. We tracked the horse and the mule until about 11 A.M. when we met a little white girl who said she had seen them [strikethrough]who sa[[/strikethrough]] and said they were riding very fast and went in the direction of Ferry Landg]. We followed thru to that place and were then told by some black people that they notised the horse and mule at that place. From there they inquired the way to Joseph Wilsons where we followed them. They stopped at Wilsons when one of them gave his name as Griffith and a man who worked for Mr. Wilson and who had been in the service said that he knew the other man and had served in the same Company with him and that his name was Ben (probably John Benjamin) Gaylor. At Mr. Wilsons they asked the [[?]] Wm McLambs in Johnson Co. We started pursuit and at the store of Mr. Cox we found people who had seen them and that they then enquired for Mr. McLamb . They were also seen by people in church as they passed. We went to Mr. McLamb where we were