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went over to play cards at Mrs. Whites in East Bridgewater I managed to entertain him a while by doing most of the talking but told him she would be home all day Friday and Saturday but Friday it rained so Saturday was the day he came. we were glad he came so we got rid of som chicken soup, we had been eating so long we had got sick and tired of it. After dinner she got him to bring up some coal from down cellar which was also good for us.

The Pupelloes have gone for a little three days outing over the holidays to New York with all their children. they will soon be moving for good, I rather am sorry to see them go.

We have just been to dinner we had fried fish, mashed potatoes, asparagus, & cup custards for desert.

Tomorrow is decoration Erma Wayland usualy takes us up to the cemetary to decorate and enjoy the day. if she comes for us this year I have plenty of white & pink wygelias [[weigela]] seringas [[syringas]] and loads of lillies of the valley. all in bloom my pink roses are in full bloom under the front windows I think she will come as I have not been any place for an age. she is very good to take us usually. is very fond of people where she takes. hope your cold is better do you cough or is it mostly in your head? well this is all I can tell you so will close.

love Ma.