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Stoughton May 15th 1949

Dear Doris

Pleasant but cool after our shower of yesterday. around 50° this morning on the porch. my rosebushes have just begun to show their buds under the front windows. I wish you could see my dogwood tree, its one mass of white even the little tree is in bloom father down, guess it came up from a seed from the other one. my grass is also growing on the lawn rains are numerous this month bringing every thing forward.

Mr Pupello has sold his house but not his business, he is looking for another place in town to move into. she has never liked this neighborhood people here are not like they were in the South, where they came from.

The family have only one grown up daughter 12 years old. but those children have never bothered us, they dont come over on our side of the yard and thats pretty good for 6 young & active childrens. I hate to see them move away. we like them they seems nice & the parents are congenial also.

I am sorry you so bothered about your summer vacation Doris should see its all wrong in doing as she thinks of going so far away through her summer vacation. you are doing the best you can by her, its a pity she wont do by you likewise.