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Stoughton April 3rd 1949

Dear Doris, 

A very sunny day with temperature in the 40ies early this morning. We didn't get snow it was prophesied Friday with rain. I hope we have seen the last of our winter & things will come forward without any set back. We have had an easy winter without many snow storms so we can't complain. 

Pete McGarvey has been having fires over in the field all the morning, so guess he intends having a garden this summer he didn't last year. 

Last Sunday Margaret Ewing went to the Episcopal church, she sat in the pew with Miss Barry she complained of not feeling very well, so Mrs B told her not to rise when the congregation did, so she sat there & when she went home someone offered to carry her home in their car. she kept on feeling sick, so I read in my Enterprise. she was carried to the Massachusetts General Hospital had Pneumonia she has been miserable all winter. it may be her termination. she certainly hasn't much to live for & dying isn't the worst thing there is. living too long is far the worst. 

They all met over to Careta's Friday to play cards and took Elizabeth Southworth & brought her home, which made it late in their getting home. they arrived around 1 OClock.