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sick she had a very bad cold but the next time was last Friday the day she was getting ready for my party. it seems the Rings live within a few miles of them & they are delighted with their home as its very handy to Gertrudes work, she often takes the train she says.

This day is very different from yesterday much colder around freezing. rained all night they say snow to day I hope not as the ground is all bare.

She is going down to her church in little while around 4 O'clock & may not be home very early. they are having a big time all the big Bishops & old members she is anxious to meet. to hear the preaching. & was afraid it was going to be stormy. it may clear as it looks like it every once in a while. I am going to make her take the key so if she comes home late I shall not be obliged to sit up waiting for her to come home.

We have just been to dinner had lobster stew (canned) salad lettuce & onion & sandwitches left over from yesterday. theres enoug stew left for my supper. but I prefer the sanwitches.

Today its cold enough to make up the fire in the little stove out of the cinders left from yesterday. guess I will go at it & bring my letter to a close it looks like clearing as its been cloudy all day.

love Ma.

I am reading the books you sent along in your bundle & had a nice card from Doris she spoke of coming out soon so guess she is over her cold. Myrtie & Alice have had one, they are going the rounds. Mrs Barry had an awful hard one caughed nights but I escaped it.